Why the Volatility in the Stock Market?

2020-09-10T12:39:05-07:00September 10th, 2020|

By Daniel Carnes   Investment analyst, financial adviser Warren Buffet has a saying, “predicting rain doesn’t count, building an ark does.” In the investing world we call this the Noah Rule. Since the 35% drop in the S&P 500 index in February/March of this year, our attitude towards the market fundamentals has been very skeptical. At the time of this writing, ...

Advice for College Students

2020-09-10T12:33:29-07:00September 10th, 2020|

Here is some advice that you may want to share with your college-bound kids/grandkids or those already in school. Or you can share with your friends/family who have kids in school. For most incoming students, the freshman year begins in late August or early September. You are about to embark on a new journey. Some ...

How Fiduciaries Manage Your Investments During a Market Downturn​

2020-08-27T08:42:00-07:00August 27th, 2020|

The stock market’s 10-year bull run came to a screeching halt in early 2020 when fears of the impacts of COVID-19 emerged. Since March, there has been unprecedented volatility in the stock market. While this can be unsettling to anyone, especially investors nearing retirement or in retirement, our financial advisors have strategies for ...

How Do I Prepare My Finances for the Unknown

2020-08-26T08:37:58-07:00August 26th, 2020|

2020 has been a year full of unexpected events (from COVID-19 to wildfires to international trade tensions to coin and toilet paper shortages) that have left many questioning what the future may hold. While unfortunately there's no crystal ball to see the future, there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself ...

Financial Planning Lessons from Covid-19

2020-07-24T10:27:00-07:00July 24th, 2020|

None of us expected an economic upheaval spawned by a health crisis as the year began. In the below lessons and takeaways from the Covid-19 crisis, you’ll probably recognize some of the themes from financial planning discussions with us. 1. Money at the end of your month. Saving for an emergency cannot be underestimated. ...

Inflation…what is it good for?​

2020-07-24T10:28:28-07:00June 22nd, 2020|

By Associate Financial Adviser: Daniel Carnes​ Everyone remembers how much a gallon of gasoline cost when they were growing up. For most Baby Boomers it was less than 50 cents a gallon. This phenomenon of prices of goods and services risings over the years is due to inflation. However, have you ever wondered, why do we have inflation? As ...

May 2020 Newsletter

2020-06-19T12:10:20-07:00May 19th, 2020|

Market Update Last week, the month of April came to a close (finally) with a 12.6% rise in the S&P 500 during the month. That makes it the best month since January of 1987! However, this rebound does not mean that we're out of the woods yet. The S&P 500 is still down 12.38% for ...

Weathering the Storm

2020-06-19T11:53:12-07:00April 17th, 2020|

One of the hardest aspects of this crisis is this social distancing required between you, me, friends, neighbors, colleagues, even our families! I don't know about you, but the photos of people trying to visit their loved ones through hospital windows just tears at my soul. In difficult times, America's greatest strength has come ...

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