Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund

2022-04-14T10:43:17-07:00April 14th, 2022|

Do you have a rainy-day fund? Is if fully funded? You understand the importance of reserves. Whether it’s a home repair, auto repair, a layoff or unexpected bill, having cash set aside will ease the financial burden. We recommend three to six months of readily accessible savings in the event of an emergency. If you ...

Top Longevity Resolutions

2022-01-24T09:18:16-07:00January 24th, 2022|

Our job is to manage your money so that it will last you for your lifetime. But how can you maximize your longevity? Take this quiz to get an estimate on your lifespan based on your lifestyle. Prioritize Sleep: Don’t underestimate the importance and positive impact of sleep. Make a goal of 8 hours of ...

Financial Focus Seminar: Economic and Market Update October 2021

2021-12-01T10:41:58-07:00November 30th, 2021|

Tune in to our most recent seminar to hear our financial advisory team discuss many topics: Firm updates A Recap of 2020 The Benefits of Using a Financial Advisor: aka Advisor’s Alpha The TD Ameritrade/Charles Schwab merger What's happening in the Economy? What changes are happening in the investment world? What investment options are we monitoring? How to prepare your life for an emergency. Click here to download a copy of our Vital Documents Locator. ...

What is it about September?

2021-10-11T10:26:10-07:00October 11th, 2021|

September has historically been the worst month for stocks, according to St. Louis Federal Reserve data measuring monthly S&P 500 performance over the last 50 years. If you are wondering whether the trend has abated in recent years, the answer is no, it hasn’t. Over the last 10 years, September performance has been substandard. While ...

10 Ways to Save After Retirement

2021-09-08T12:15:48-07:00September 8th, 2021|

Want to hang on to your gold in your golden years? Then keep saving even when you’ve stopped earning. Here’s how. Take the same approach to money management you did before you kissed the 9-to-5 grind goodbye. Careful planning, money management and saving will go a long way toward making your retirement years relaxing -- ...

Gift Budget Planner

2021-09-08T12:11:51-07:00September 8th, 2021|

To help you through often expensive special occasions without getting into debt, use this fillable Gift Budget Planner to plan out your expenses.

Important Document Checklist

2021-09-08T12:07:46-07:00September 8th, 2021|

What you should Keep, Store or Shred There are many documents that can accumulate in a lifetime. This checklist is intended to help make it easy for you to keep organized and to know how long you should keep documents. As financial advisor we are happy to keep a copy of any of these ...

Social Insecurity

2021-08-06T15:02:51-07:00August 6th, 2021|

Americans are living longer each year. Every 6 years, the average life expectancy increases by 1 year. For example, the US life expectancy at birth was 60.8 years in 1921 but has increased to 77.8 years in 2021. Since Americans are living longer, saving for retirement is becoming more crucial. Relying on Social Security or a ...

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