Long Term Care and Your Options

2022-11-14T09:53:56-07:00November 14th, 2022|

Long-term care includes a whole host of services that you may require to meet various personal needs. And eventually, around 60% of us will need assistance with things many take for granted, according to the Administration for Community Living, a division of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Whether it is because you have been visited ...

How to Protect Yourself Online

2022-11-14T09:39:54-07:00November 1st, 2022|

Cybersecurity is “the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks.” You may not be in the business of defending critical infrastructure from online threats. But fraud, identity theft, and online scams that target your finances pose significant challenges for everyone in today’s digital world. Armed with knowledge, vigilance, and a healthy dose of caution, you can ...

Fall 2022 Economic and Market Update

2022-11-14T09:44:34-07:00October 14th, 2022|

What's the status of the TD Ameritrade/Charles Schwab merger?  What do the new IRS Agents mean for you?  What's happening in the global economy and how does that impact your investments?  What's going on with digital currencies?   Where are we now? What are we doing/monitoring in terms of your investments? Tune in to our webinar to hear our fiduciary advisors discuss ...

Should You Consider a Financial Caregiver?

2022-07-28T13:43:05-07:00July 28th, 2022|

Age and poor health can quickly impair a person’s ability to deal with life’s many issues, including money. There are many avenues you may decide to take for a loved one (or you may recognize that you desire some assistance yourself). Below we cover a variety of arrangements for help at various levels of need ...

No, JP Morgan CEO is not acting in your best interest.

2022-06-09T14:42:02-07:00June 9th, 2022|

Written By: Daniel Carnes Jaime Dimon is a name you will only hear over the major news outlets. And for good reason. He is currently the CEO of the largest bank in the world, JP Morgan. Since he’s in a prominent position in the world, it only makes sense that the news would take his ...

Bitcoin Basics Seminar Replay

2022-05-31T13:28:40-07:00May 31st, 2022|

What is Bitcoin? What is the blockchain? How can it be used? What risks does it pose? What should you know about investing in Bitcoin? Many of you have been asking to learn more about Bitcoin, so we put on a seminar for you to learn the basics. Daniel Carnes, one of the first financial ...

What to do when a medical emergency disrupts your life

2022-04-14T10:49:04-07:00April 14th, 2022|

What are the most important things you really want when it comes to money? To feel secure. Have peace about your financial future. Generate a steady retirement income. Don’t pay more taxes than you have to. Retire with a plan and smart strategy. And what else? Many of you want to protect your family. Pay ...

Fiduciary: Funny Word, but Vitally Important Criteria

2022-04-14T10:45:07-07:00April 14th, 2022|

Thankfully, many professionals including doctors and lawyers are held to certain standards within their industries that require them to put the interest of their clients first. Professionals that are legally obligated to put their client’s interest first are known as Fiduciaries. However, this standard is not required of all industries. We have all heard the ...

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